Painting from a Musea Training
What year was this painted?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic painting on Canvas
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 500 words.
This tree reminds me where I came from
A legacy of love and power
Each root represents something greater than ourselves
Each leaf and root gave me Life
My language I received from my momma
She birthed me
Taught me that I matter
Reminded me of my beauty
Prepared me for the real world
She taught me to laugh when I felt like crying
She taught me how to dance and create a Business
I call her, "The Giver of Life!"
Through my fathers line Grandma Dorothy came
The first Woman in our family to Pastor a church
When she was criticized, she stayed steady
Held her head high and kept moving
She believed God, prayed daily, and had unwavering faith
I call her, "Networker. "
Ms. Daisy Lee was my Momma mother
She cooked for many
Healed many with her hands
Loved the broken
The greatest Thrift shopper of all time
I call her, "The Planter!"
Aunt Debbie my Dad's sister was always quick tongue, took up for the weak, never back down from a fight, always spoke her mind and stood in her truth. Is an Awesome singer
I call her, "The Fighter!"
Aunt Darlene my fathers baby sister, the Fashinista, singer, writer, Actress, Painter and a Seamtress.
I call her, "Socialite!"
We are connected by God, Blood, love, generations and traditions
You taught me how to love me
I call your name
Our hearts are one
Thank you for giving me a Powerful legacy