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Family Portrait

Family Portrait, Painting from a MUSEA Class
Family Portrait

Painting from a MUSEA Class   

What year was this painted?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on Canvas
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 500 words.
Growing up in a dysfunctional household was an unhappy memory for me.
I was mentally and physically abused by both my parents. Never a kiss or a hug and never seen. I was told to look down when spoken to and never let your voice be heard. I always wondered why my parents didn’t love me. I remember thinking was there something awfully wrong with me, maybe I was a bad seed. It always made me cry to think about my childhood it was such a sad time in my life.
As I grew older, I struggled through most of my younger adulthood feeling unloved and insecure. Searching for anything to fill the hole in my heart I made so many bad decisions. It was a wonder how I survived such a reckless life.
When I had my own children and started my own family, I think my higher power and my ancestors were there to hold and guide me. I am grateful that I was being witnessed. I learned to gain the strength and character to be a nurturing mother. I made a promise to myself to dedicate and shower my children with the love that I never had from my parents. I let my children know that they are heard and seen. I also taught them never to bow their heads down to anyone.
Now as an older adult I learned that I am a warrior, survivor and beautiful human being, nothing wrong here!!
I am grateful for Intentional Creativity for teaching me how to open the portal to my heart and allowing me to pour my love into my canvas.