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Royalty, Painting from a MUSEA Class

Painting from a MUSEA Class   

What year was this painted?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on canvas
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 500 words.
This picture was created during the Talisman course. My intention for my painting was to get clarity for my future and live a life of health and abundance while honoring The Most High. This course dealt with me at a very volatile time in my life. I was challenged with my marriage, my relationship with my daughter was rocky, and I was frustrated with my job to the point of contemplating retirement. I can barely believe I was able to put anything on the canvas. This particular class/journey had quite a bit of reflective journaling, which allowed me to express my feelings and reflect on some of the choices I made in life and why. There were eight keys which we followed and the first key, Awakening started off with a bang. A few questions/statements that were posed under Awakening that opened my eyes and allowed me to focus on my mental and emotional state of being, were the following:
• There is a self I have been being that no longer serves me.
• Where have I compromised myself?
• What isn’t working?
The painting that I created actually surprised me. I kept saying to myself, “Did I do that?” She turned out magical and powerful.
On my phone dictionary, one of the definitions of Talisman is, “Anything whose presence exercises a remarkable or powerful influence on human feelings or actions.” That’s what my painting/Muse, Royalty, did for me. I named her Royalty because she reminded me of an African Queen. She has a look that could be interpreted as aloof, but she is confident and powerful.
The symbols at bottom are significant to my journey. The spiral is very similar to an Adinkra (Ghanaian) symbol called “Abode Santen” (Eternity of Creation), which symbolizes Eternity, and Divinity of the creation and the Creator. I chose that symbol because of my reverence and love for The Most High. I’m a divine creation and I’m also a creator. The middle image is one version of the Adinkra symbol, Sankofa (Go back to fetch it). It represents respect for heritage, history and wisdom of the elders, and a search for the positive aspects of the forgotten, ignored and concealed past to guide the present and the future. It is important to know the history of my people which has been concealed and taken away and goes much further then enslavement Even when its roots are in the dirtiest of waters the Lotus produces the most beautiful flower. In many cultures the lotus is a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. Only time will tell the truth about me and my beautiful people. The wings at the throat represents me gaining my freedom to share my truth unapologetically, and to stop holding back and playing small. I am Royalty.
During this time while working on Talisman, I decided to retire, and I did, November 2021. My daughter moved to New York, and I’m still married.