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Kem-the Black

Kem-the Black, Painting from a MUSEA Class
Kem-the Black

Painting from a MUSEA Class   

What year was this painted?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic and watercolor on paper
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 500 words.
The Black! The Black!
What has happened to the majesty, the strength,
the dignity, the power of you, as a color,
containing all the other colors,
you as capable of absorbing all colors
into the harmony we seek?
This painting is a reclaiming of the fierceness,
the mysticism, and the glory of Kem.
This painting reconnects Black
to the civilization 50, 000 years ago,
the symbols of which still have the power
to tug at our hearts, our minds,
our capacity to see,
our journey of the Soul.

Within this profile of Kem
whose boundaries smudge a bit to suggest
that inner and outer are not so distinct
as the world would have us think,
there is a globe who says:
"I am an ode to the eye;
I am an ode to the retina.
Impressions from the outside
Impressions of who you are
according to how others see you
are reflected into this globe and
land on the retina
where they intermingle
with the pure, brilliant, birthright impressions
of who you know yourself to truly BE.
I am an ode to how inner and outer impressions
dance around and through one another
to render our version
of who the Inner Self is.

The Inner Self always being negotiated
always yearning for greater love,
greater rest and peace
within our own sense of BEing,
greater freedom to come ever closer
to who you were born to be
unencumbered by Form
even while being in Form.

The truth of who you BE is energetic
Painting, even in its fluidity, can only point
to the Truth of You.
In the gap
In the gap
is where the Truth of You
can be felt and sensed;
where the Truth of You
resides and dances.