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Diving Deeper Into Blackness

Diving Deeper Into Blackness, Painting from a MUSEA Class
Diving Deeper Into Blackness

Painting from a MUSEA Class   

What year was this painted?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on Canvas 30"x 40"
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 500 words.
"Diving Deeper Into Blackness" was made during an Intentional Creativity course called Artifact, in the summer of 2020.

It was a three month initiation into an exploration of myself that was hidden beneath the surface. I had not, up to this point, learned much about my African roots. With the backdrop of Covid 19 pandemic, and the many live media images of black people being murdered, I was summoned by my ancestors to paint an image that reflected my own blackness.

I wanted to present myself in this new awareness. I began to research my Taino culture, the natives who lived in Puerto Rico, where my known ancestors were born and raised. I found artifact images and deities that were carved into places around the islands. I added many of them to my canvas. I researched African images and added them as well. Some of them became part of the underpainting and are not as visible to the eye, but they are all there.

The energy of my ancestors came through me and this original image was born. It was different than any other work I had done in the past. In my studio she sat a long time before I could even understand the depth of meaning.

Now in 2022, her words tumble effortlessly through my pen. I am delighted to share her message with you.

Diving Deeper Into Blackness

I lay in the sacred womb room
Swimming in liquid love, language, legacy.
A singular cell with ancestral gifts
Wisdom, Death, Wonder
Living inside my mothers, mothers, mother earth.

I am born.

Particle, wave, matter
Celestial starlight, pieces of powerful suns
Mucus memories murmuring sounds
Breaths released from lips
I sing an ancient tongue.

I am Strength of Mountain Stone and Tree

Head of cosmos, stars and sand
Antenna hair, dreadlocks, rock.
Divining deities Atabey,
She who gives birth to herself from all elements
Reminder to sculpt my self image relevant.

I Am Blood Waters Rising Tides,

Diving deeper into blackness to celebrate
The dark places where I arise from
Excavate honor blackness of creation
Black beauty imbued
Loved, strengthened, empowered
To push push push
To the other side of our collective pain.

I Am Made Anew

Birthed at night
I have the right to shout out loud
I am black and I am proud
To stand up tall, to spread my wings
To share my rapture
In all things.