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She Who Cries For Justice and Equality

She Who Cries For Justice and Equality, Painting from a MUSEA Class
She Who Cries For Justice and Equality

Painting from a MUSEA Class   

What year was this painted?
What medium is this painted on (i.e. Acrylic on Canvas, Acrylic on Watercolor, Watercolor, etc)
Acrylic on Canvas, Collage
Share with us the story or poem connected with your painting. Max 500 words.
TThis started as a prayer in response to witnessing George Floyd’s dying moments. As I witnessed that unforgettable moment, my soul tightened within my body and a feeling I had never experienced before came over me. It was a call to action! So, I did what I have come to trust and know…I brought it to easel. I stood in front of my substrate and committed my fear, anger, disbelief, and prayers for humanity as my intention. I wiped my tears with my hands, then blessed the paper with my tear-filled hands. As I prayed for reconciliation. as I saw the faces of my beloved, my children, my grandchildren, my brother, my ancestor and even my own with my heart’s eye. This piece of paper had now become my altar.

I followed my brush not knowing or caring what showed up, but just needing to move this energy that was burning inside me. As I added dots in prayer for the violence to end, for peace, for healing, for understanding, for justice and for our future generations, I felt the shift. I became aware that this was an awakening. I became aware of my identity, of who lives here! Not from a perspective of ethnicity as a Latina woman of color but from a framework of a Black woman of Latin descent.